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Best-in-class: BOCK lub compressor oils

For mobile and stationary BOCK compressors with natural and synthetic refrigerants

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The °Clever Art of Protection …

As clever best-in-class solutions, BOCK compressors ensure the reliable operation of refrigeration systems and heat pumps worldwide. Each component is designed for perfect interaction. The new BOCK lub is one of them.

Only the use of precisely fitting compressor oils guarantees the best performance and efficiency of your BOCK compressors. This is a decisive component, also with respect to constantly increasing performance requirements and the use of new refrigerants. As a leading compressor manufacturer, we know best which specifications these oils require. That is why we have developed the BOCK lub program for you: Best compressor oils for our mobile and stationary best-in- class solutions – perfectly matched to BOCK compressors with natural and synthetic refrigerants.

High wear protection, increased efficiency and resource-saving

The new BOCK lub oils do much more than just provide optimum lubrication: they simultaneously offer high wear protection, increase efficiency, availability as well as service life and, thanks to their special tribological properties, also minimize the energy consumption of the systems. We call this: The °Clever Art of Protection

BOCK lub program

BOCK lub BOCK lub G68 BOCK lub E85 BOCK lub E55 BOCK lub A46
Refrigerant Hydro­ carbons CO2 and HFO HFC and HFO HCFC

Safety Data Sheets

BOCK lub – best-in-class compressor oils

Tailor-made for mobile and stationary BOCK compressors with natural and synthetic refrigerants:

  • Wide range of applications from low temperature to heat pumps
  • Excellent viscosity/temperature behavior
  • High chemical and thermal stability
  • Quality tested in long-term tests
  • Regular quality control and validation with new refrigerants
  • Excellent chemical compatibility with natural and synthetic refrigerants
  • Easy upgrade* from previously used oils
  • Operation limit extension for BOCK HC compressors

* except BOCK HC compressors

The most important benefits of BOCK lub at a glance

High wear protection

Extended compressor service life with lower maintenance and maintenance costs

Increased efficiency

Minimized oil carryover in combination with BOCK compressors: higher cooling capacity, optimized plant efficiency

Saving resources

High-grade BOCK quality oil designed for highly efficient BOCK compressors: for extra durability and energy savings in operation

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