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Bock Open Compressors


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Southern Sales & Services supply BOCK F-series compressors for drive with standard motors via V-belt or direct clutch. Flexible motor arrangement allows for practically all drive-related requirements. Suitable for all current refrigerants, also NH3.

Compressors of the Bock F-series are ideally suited for the high demands of shipping: for air-conditioning cabins and cooling supplies on passenger ships, containers, or fishing boats. In the stationary refrigeration sector, the reciprocating compressors offer extremely easy handling. And this even under challenging conditions such as unreliable or varying voltage supply.

F-series offer very compact compressor design, that’s robust and easy to handle. Oil pump lubrication as standard.

Special features:
  • Reduced maintenance intervals for industrial refrigeration processes
  • Highly efficient valve plate system mexxFlow 2.0 proven with semi-hermetic large Bock seals, now integrated in the F76 and F88 compressor series and even more resistant than the previous version
  • Oil supply for reliability and durability
  • Oil pump lubrication system independent of direction of rotation
  • Minimised oil throw
  • Service-friendly oil strainer
  • Large-volume oil sump with connection options for oil pressure monitoring
  • Oil level regulator (standard)
  • Bock F Compressors
  • NEW Bock F76 & F88
  • Bock F NH3 Compressors
  • Bock Former Types

Bock F Compressors

The F model series offers modern open compressors for external drive (via V-belt or clutch). Force transmission is by a form-fitting shaft connection. Nearly all drive-related requirements are possible.
The compressor design is very compact, robust and easy to handle, naturally with oil pump lubrication.

Special features:

  • Driven via V-belt or direct clutch.
  • Suitable for conventional or chlorine-free HFC refrigerants
Types Displacement (1450 rpm) m³/h Former types
F2 10.5
F3 20.3
F4 40.5
F5 73.7
F76 137.0157.0178.0211.0 F14 F16
F88 238.0281.0

More information about the F type compressors (e.g. technical/performance data, drawings, spare part lists, operating limits) can be found in the compressor selection tool VAP via the following link:

VAP compressor selection F compressors

New open type compressor series: F76

Replaces compressors types F14 + F16

Optimized open type compressor series: F88

mexxFlow® 2.0 valve plate system

More refrigerating capacity and lower power consumption – this is the motto of the mexxFlow valve plate, which forms the heart of the new Bock compressor generations for higher capacities. In order to increase the energy efficiency of reciprocating compressors, manufacturers has always been focused on the valve plate system. At higher capacities the standard valve plates reach their limits in terms of efficiency. mexxFlow was successful in increasing the efficiency of its compressors by up to 20 %. This success was achieved through a flow-optimized double ring fin construction of the valve plate in combination with a specially adapted cylinder head.

Bock was successful in increasing the efficiency of its compressors by around 15 % thanks to a flow-optimized double ring fin construction of the valve plate in combination with a cylinder head, which is specially adapted to the valve plate. Thus, open type as well as semi-hermetic commercial Bock compressors achieve new records in terms of efficiency.

Special features of the mexxFlow valve plate:

  • Valve plate with highly efficient double ring fins
  • Flow optimized system of valve plate and cylinder head

With the knowledge gained from practical experience over the past decade, we have consistently improved and further developed the mexxFlow plate system.
The result: mexxFlow 2.0.

The second generation shows even greater resistance with a consistent high efficiency. This makes it suitable for the even toughest requirements of various applications.

Bock F NH3 Compressors

As an alternative to the established refrigerating compressors in the F series, Bock also offers the F NH3 series for operation with ammonia (R717). The compressors are specially intended for the small to medium capacity range.

Note: As of 2022, these NH3 compressors are no longer in serial production. However they can be supplied as a service option on request. A serial number must be provided, and the chart can be found in the VAP as shown below.

Types Displacement (1450 rpm) m³/h
F2 10.5
F3 20.3
F4 40.5
F5 73.7
F14 101.5118.9
F16 152.2178.4

More information about the F NH3 compressors (e.g. technical/performance data, drawings, spare part lists, operating limits) can be found in the compressor selection tool VAP via the following link:

VAP compressor selection F NH3 compressors

Bock F Compressors – Former Types


Displacement (1450 rpm) m³/h











  1. Flexible connection
  2. Easily replaceable shaft seal for maintenance purposes
  3. Practical draining option via freely accessible hose section
  4. Oil service valve (optional)
  5. Two sight glasses for flexible oil level checking
  6. mexxFlow 2.0
    New valve plate system for demanding marine applications
  7. Proven and reliable oil pump lubrication system
  1. Series
  2. Ester Oil filling
  3. Size
  4. Displacement

NOTE: In March 2021, BOCK was separated from the GEA Group. BOCK now trades as an independent company: BOCK Gmbh.

We continue to provide all of the BOCK products formerly produced under the GEA Group. As always we will aim to provide excellent advice and product support and can help with any enquiries you have regarding the transition or any products affected.

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