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Bock Open Compressor Units

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Southern Sales & Services supply thousands of Bock open type compressors units, service and replacement parts which are in operation all over the world in all kind of applications. Our systems offer numerous solutions for meeting state-of-the-art refrigeration technology requirements. The Bock compressors are available in a diverse range of models, sizes as well as the latest compressor electronic control technology.

If you need help with your selection, then please do not hesitate to contact our technical department, and we will happily provide any assistance required.


  • The compressors can be supplied separately from the open compressor range.
  • NH3 open compressors can only be supplied as a service option on request. A serial number must be provided.
  • Unit base frames, flexible shaft couplings and coupling protectors can be supped as spare parts.
  • Bock SFD88 Compressor Units
  • Bock FDK Compressor Units
  • Bock FDK NH3 Compressor Units

Bock SFD88 Compressor Units

Compressor with shaft coupling for direct drive and coupling bell mounted on a profile base frame. Force transmission from the motor to the compressor is by a maintenance-free coupling. CE standard motors IMB5 are used as drive motors (option).

Special features:

  • Robust profile base frame
  • Compact and robust compressor design
  • Safe and reliable oil supply
Types Displacement (1450 rpm) m³/h
SFD88 238.0281.0

More information about the SFD compressor units (e.g. technical/performance data, drawings, spare part lists, operating limits) can be found in the compressor selection tool VAP via the following link:

VAP compressor selection FDK compressor units

Bock FDK Compressor Units

Compressor with shaft clutch for direct drive mounted on a profile base frame. Force transmission from the motor to the compressor is by an elastic shaft clutch. ICE standard motors IM B3 are used as drive motors (option).

Special features:

  • Robust profile base frame
  • Shaft clutch can be divided in installed state to allow for maintenance to compressor and motor without having to dismantle them from the base frame.

More information about the FDK compressor units (e.g. technical/performance data, drawings, spare part lists, operating limits) can be found in the compressor selection tool VAP via the following link:

VAP compressor selection FDK compressor units

Bock FDK NH3 compressor units

NH3 compressors with shaft clutch for direct drive, mounted on profile base frame. Force is transmitted from the motor to the compressor by an elastic shaft clutch. ICE standard motors IM B3 are used as drive motors (option).

Special features:

  • Compressor for NH3
  • Robust profile base frame
  • Shaft clutch can be divided in installed state to allow for maintenance to compressor and motor without having to dismantle them from the base frame.
Types Displacement (1450 rpm) m³/h
FDK3 20.3
FDK4 40.5
FDK5 73.6
FDK14 101.5118.9
FDK16 152.2178.4

More information about the FDK NH3 compressor units (e.g. technical/performance data, drawings, spare part lists, operating limits) can be found in the compressor selection tool VAP via the following link:

VAP compressor selection FDK NH3 compressor units

NOTE: In March 2021, BOCK was separated from the GEA Group. BOCK now trades as an independent company: BOCK Gmbh.

We continue to provide all of the BOCK products formerly produced under the GEA Group. As always we will aim to provide excellent advice and product support and can help with any enquiries you have regarding the transition or any products affected.

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