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Condenser & Evaporator Coils

Southern Sales & Services supply a wide range of quality condenser and evaporator coils.

A Thermoguard corrosion protection coating or pre-coated gold or blue (hydrophilic) fin material is available for specific applications. Special or industrial coils for oil coolers on hydraulic systems; water and liquid coolers for industry and power plants can be made available on request.

We also offer a large selection of universal Automotive coils which can be used on various applications within the Transport Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning industry.

For further information on our products then please contact us either by phone or by us using the quick contact form at the bottom of the page.

  • Condenser Coils
  • Evaporator Coils
  • Reversible Coils
  • Water & Glycol Coils
  • Industrial Coils
  • Aluminium Coils

Condenser Coils

Condenser coils for remote condensers, condensing units, close control AC, chillers, showcases, display cases, bottle coolers, milk tanks, transportation AC and refrigeration.

The headers end plates ensure maximum resistance to the vibrations coming from the refrigeration system: End plates with collars, header nipples passing through the end plate with a clearance, header nipples coming deep into the fin block. Copper header supports. Header-to connecting-tube transition with a simple bent or with a brazed saddle beat.

  • Fan plates and end plates are spot-welded or riveted and form a solid block.
  • The separation plates between fans ensure even air distribution.
  • Hexagonal inserts ensure a safe fan assembly.
  • Integrated fan shrouds for axial fans of 200 mm up to 630 mm in diameter.
  • High-quality powder paint in 8 standard colours to match the colour of your unit or compressor. A Thermoguard corrosion protection coating or pre-coated gold or blue (hydrophilic) fin material is available.
  • Smooth tube, inner grooved tube or super-grooved tube for condensing application.
  • Circuiting for horizontal, vertical or combined use.
  • Circuiting with tripods and with sub-cooling sections available.
  • Fin patterns with different tube diameters, plain, corrugated or louvered fin profiles.

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Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils for close cont­rol AC, rooftops, air-handling units, fan-coils, ducted systems, air curtains and transportation AC, bottle coolers etc.

  • Fin patterns with different tube diameters, plain, corrugated or louvered fin profiles. An optimum solution of the system of evaporator coil-fan can be achieved through our selection program (OEMBAT), including the design of the refrigerant distributor.
  • A Thermoguard corrosion protection coating, a powder paint or pre-coated gold or blue (hydrophilic) fin material is available. Evaporator coils for refrigeration, evaporator coils for high and medium temperature refrigeration for unit coolers, bottle coolers, reach-in showcase and transportation refrigeration with maximum of 5.1 mm fin spacing.
  • Defrosting slots are available in certain cases.

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Reverisble Coils

The design is adapted to the planned application.

Heat pumps: Reversible coils with the design resistant to vibrations, special connections or circuits for hot gas or tubes for resistance heaters.

Dehumidifiers: evaporator and condenser coil in the same casing.

  • A Thermoguard protection coating, powder paint or pre-coated gold or blue (hydrophilic) fin material is available.
  • An optimum solution of the system of evaporator coil-fan can be achieved through our selection program (OEMBAT), including the design of the refrigerant distributor.

Our Sales Engineer will assist you to design your very special coil.

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Water and Glycol Coils

A wide variety of tube diameters from 7 up to 16 mm allow to identify the ideal solution for all applications such as unit heaters, fan coils, convectors, air handling units, ducted systems, air curtains and cold beams and glycol heat recuperation circuits.

  • Coils for vertical, horizontal or inclined positi­ons and coils with horizontal vertical tubes are available. The standard circuiting ensures correct drain and purge.

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Special or Industrial Coils

Oil coolers for hydraulic systems; water and liquid coolers for industry and power plants with the tube of up to 16 mm in diameter and 0.8 mm in thickness.

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Aluminium Coils

This advanced solution for coils up to 3 meters long, which are ready to operate under pressures of 30 bar and 42 bar design pressure.

Series of the product tests proved temperature, environment and pressure resistance as well as resistance to natural vibrations of the system. You can rely on our aluminum round tube coils, whether you install them in condensing units, chillers or air coolers. If requested, the aluminum coil may contain connecting copper tubes.

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